Women's Fall Protection
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If you ever witnessed a fall, then you know that one of the most vital pieces of equipment on the job site is fall protection. Women in the construction workforce need specific solutions to match their size and body shape for safety in an accident. D.E. Gemmill, Inc. makes safety our top priority, so we offer certified products that can give your team peace of mind.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics explains that in 2019, 880 fatal incidents across multiple industries were fall-related. The toll on human life and the financial burden on companies makes fall risks a top priority.
Partner with D.E. Gemmill, Inc. today to make the workplace safer by considering purchasing a female safety harness.
What Type of Female Safety Harness Do We Offer?
D.E. Gemmill, Inc. provides full-body harnesses for women that support all body shapes and sizes securely. The French Creek Female Universal Harness is a medium-sized solution. The harness focuses on functionality and comfort. The French Creek EZ-Slide back D-ring will help save the worker from hanging in an awkward position in an accident by keeping them upright.
The distribution of the harness’s straps also sends the forces of fall-arrest through the body’s strongest parts. This feature can help to ease the pain of a fall. The product still has freedom of movement and it features a removable tool belt. D.E. Gemmill, Inc. commits to bringing you high-quality products so you can achieve safety excellence.
Safety Standards for The Female Safety Harness
Our female harnesses — like the French Creek Female Universal Harness — meet the Organizational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. They have gone through the rigorous testing of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z359 standard. This process requires a manufacturer to design the product with the most regimented standards available in industrial settings.
Shop the D.E. Gemmill, Inc. Inventory Today
Are you looking for a female safety harness solution? D.E. Gemmill, Inc. invites you to browse our selection above or reach out to speak with a professional on how to choose the proper harness for your job site. You can give us a call to speak with a live representative at (866) 755-9794 or write your questions in a quick contact form request now.