Waterblasting – So Much More Than Removal
When D. E. Gemmill Inc. purchased a water blaster, the specific thought was to utilize the equipment for pavement marking removal, which would correspond with their core business of pavement marking. However, in a short period of time, we realized that we can offer so many more services with this piece of equipment.
During the fall of 2017, a paving firm, approached use with a dilemma they were encountering on The Perdue Soybean plant in Lancaster County PA, a long-term construction site. The site had been active for over a year, and they had already applied a binder coat of asphalt to assist with construction traffic in and out of the site. Now the time arrived to begin applying the wearing course of asphalt, the only problem was that so much dirt had been ground into the asphalt binder that it would be nearly impossible to have the wearing course of asphalt bond to the asphalt binder. The paving contractor, utilized water trucks, road sweepers, and even power washing companies to try and remove the dirt, with no success. Enter D. E. Gemmill Inc. The paving contractor, contacted us and asked if we had any ideas, since we were already under contract to perform the pavement marking and signage for the site. D. E. Gemmill Inc. advised them that we could try utilizing the water blaster to remove the dirt from the asphalt binder course. As you can see in the video, this was a tremendous success. D. E. Gemmill Inc. was able to clean the areas with heavy ground in dirt so that paving could be completed.
Cleaning of asphalt surfaces prior to paving, or cleaning pavement markings, runways, fuel filling pads and so much more, Let D. E. Gemmill assist you with your next project.