Falling, I’m Not Talking About Falling in Love Here…
As many as five construction workers fall to their deaths every week. According to OSHA data, one in every five work deaths annually are in construction. Approximately 33.5% of construction fatalities are caused by falls.
Construction worker fatalities have risen …
Continue ReadingD.E. Gemmill Customer Appreciation Day!
D.E. Gemmill is excited to host an end of summer Customer Appreciation Day Event at our retail location on Wednesday September, 16 from 9:00-5:00pm. We want to show you our appreciation and thank you for allowing us to be your… Continue ReadingD.E. Gemmill is Impacting The Vision Zero Movement
D.E. Gemmill is helping our local cities in the Vision Zero Movement to help eliminate traffic related deaths and serious injuries. Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility …
Continue Reading“Not More Construction…………..I’m Late Already!”
“Not More Construction…………..I’m Late Already!”
By: Colleen Gemmill
It never fails, you’re running late and now you see signs, barrels, and an array of workers you are sure are there only to inconvenience you. Now because of this person holding …
Continue ReadingWork Zone Awareness, Not Just for National Work Zone Awareness Week
As Spring arrives awakening fauna and flora alike, so too awakens the construction on our roadways. It seems quite fitting that we celebrate National Work Zone Awareness Week April 20 – 24, 2020. But I would argue that, while it …
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